Google+ ZACARÉS: January 2014



Ecere SDK

This is an interesting cross-platform sdk ( It is c with object, like c++. But seems easier to learn and code than c++. It should build fine on Linux, on Windows with MinGW or MinGW-w64 or TDM-GCC, on Mac OS X with Xcode command line tools installed or on FreeBSD (with gmake). Executables can also be deployed to the Android platform using the Android NDK.

The SDK includes complete development environment for coding and GUI designer, supports including c and c++ code as part of the project and got cross-platform GUI toolkit with 2D and 3D graphic engines, though the GUI components are somewhat primitive.

The runtime component covers file access, multithreading, time and networking (with SSL Sockets support through OpenSSL). With the EDA (Ecere Data Access) components, you will be able to access Ecere RDBMS, SQLite (as well as an encrypted version using SQLiteCipher), and Oracle databases. It also has a simple report engine with preview support. The runtime libraries size is below 10MB.

The most impressive thing is, the Ecere SDK is Free Open Source Software licensed under a revised BSD license which allows applications built with it can be distributed both commercially and non
commercially, along with the supporting Ecere runtime library(ies).



Compile Qt 5.2.0 with ICU

Finally find a way to compile Qt 5.2.0 with ICU. It seems the PATH, LIBS and INCLUDE environment variable somehow being reset/ignore during the build process. So, in order to help the compiler and/or linker to find ICU libraries, I've copied all the ICU development files to Qt source tree and the compiler and/or linker now recognized the existence of ICU libraries and build Qt 5.2.0 shared version successfully with WebKit support.