Google+ ZACARÉS: Windows batch to download and make a portable JDK



Windows batch to download and make a portable JDK

I am a fan of portable apps and don't like to install stuff unless there is no other choices, as installation on Windows platform usually will introduce some unexpected "side-effect".

JDK is one of the tool that I need but don't want to install during development. I want to perform some automated tasks to set up a portable development environment (for android development). But downloading and extracting the JDK in a workable state are a bit tricky. Here is what I have performed to automate the process under Windows environment.

To automate the task using Windows batch script, you will need to acquire the following command tools first.

  • wget.exe
  • 7z.exe and 7z.dll
To download the JDK (e.g. jdk-7u55-windows-i586.exe) from Oracle using wget.exe and extract the JDK to.\jdk_1.7.0_55, copy the following contents to a text file and save it as "getJDK.bat" in the folder where wget.exe and 7z.exe resided.

@echo off
"%~dp0wget.exe" --no-check-certificate -O "%~dp0jdk-7u55-windows-i586.exe" "" --no-cookies --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
"%~dp07z.exe" x -y "%~dp0jdk-7u55-windows-i586.exe" -o"%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55"
"%~dp07z.exe" x -y "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55\"  -o"%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55"
del "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55\"
for /r "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55" %%x in (*.pack) do "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55\bin\unpack200" "%%x" "%%x.jar"
for /r "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55" %%y in (*.pack) do ren "%%y" ""
for /r "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55" %%z in (*.pack.jar) do ren "%%z" "%%~nz"
for /r "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55" %%a in (*.pack) do ren "%%a" "%%~na.jar"
for /r "%~dp0jdk_1.7.0_55" %%y in (* do del "%%y"

And lastly, double click "getJDK.bat" to start the process. After the process finished, the folder "jdk_1.7.0_55" should contain a workable JDK.

Don't forget to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your JDK folder and also add the %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the PATH environment in order to use the JDK wherever you are.

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